Intrinsic Factors in the Development of a Pressure Ulcer

28th May 2019

There are a number of intrinsic factors that may contribute to the development of pressure ulcers. In order to prevent pressure ulcers patients who are vulnerable to skin damage and their carers should be equipped with the knowledge they need in order to prevent pressure ulcers as much as possible. 

Some groups of people are more likely to get pressure ulcers than others so understanding which groups are ‘high risk’ is vitally important.

Intrinsic Factors

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Extrinsic Factors

It should be noted that these are not the only factors that may affect the development of a pressure ulcer. Extrinsic factors also play a part.

Read the blog article on extrinsic factors involved in developing a pressure ulcer


1) NHS (2014) Pressure Ulcer Causes [online] Available at: [Accessed 15/09/2015]