Clinical Evaluation of Pure Air 8 & Simpulse 8

To more fully understand how our mattresses perform in real-life situations, we commissioned Wound Care Consultants Ltd to undertake some independent research. They looked at our Pure Air 8 and Simpulse 8 pressure relieving mattresses. Whilst commissioned by Select Medical, Wound Care Consultants are an independent company. They are led by highly regarded and experienced Tissue Viability Nurses, Sylvie Hampton and Sarah Gray.


The main objective was to gather an independent evaluation as to the clinical efficacy of the mattress systems. Other areas for evaluation were the comfort of the systems and cost saving potentials. We wanted to gain insights into how Pure Air 8 & Simpulse 8 performed from both a patient and carer perspective.

Read the full report: Independent clinical evaluation Pure Air 8 & Simpulse 8

Really good mattresses that were easy to put up with no alarms occurring during the period of use of 12 weeks. The residents slept very well on all 4 mattresses and there were no sores developed over the 12 week period.
Carer , as part of the evaluation